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What's on the horizon for Bristol's Western Harbour?

The western end of the Floating Harbour has evolved over the centuries, seeing feats of engineering, the changing fortunes of dock workers, and becoming a key route in and out of Bristol. As the city responds to a changing climate, ageing infrastructure, the increasing threat of flooding and shifts in how people live, work and travel, it's important we shape a place that meets these challenges head on, while valuing what makes this part of Bristol so special and unique.

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our public engagement on the draft masterplan for Western Harbour and sharing your views either in person or online. The survey is now closed. Your comments are important and will be carefully considered by the masterplan team as they finalise proposals.  Following this, the masterplan will be considered by the council’s Economy and Skills Committee in Summer / Autumn 2025.

Watch our short film to find out about the masterplan

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The Best Light

In high-viz jackets, with clipboards and hardhats, looking confused, Bristol poets Caleb Parkin and Tom Sastry were ‘in-residence’ in the area asking the important questions: How do you feel about this place? How do you feel about it changing? What do you think will happen? What do you remember happening here? This poem responds to the people they met along the way.

Click on the image below to watch the video in your browser.

