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We’d love to hear what you think about some ideas that will shape the masterplan next year.

Western Harbour is the name given to the regeneration project at the westernmost end of Bristol’s floating harbour, which includes Cumberland Basin, Spike Island and the road network around Ashton Meadows.

As the city responds to a changing climate, ageing infrastructure, the increasing threat of flooding and shifts in how people live, work and travel, we have an opportunity to shape a place that tackles all these issues together, while valuing what makes this part of Bristol so special and unique.

The vision for Western Harbour was developed through extensive public engagement in 2021/22. We have now appointed Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands (LDS) to turn the vision for Western Harbour from broad principles into a tangible long-term masterplan setting out a big picture guide to future development.

We are excited to present what we know about the Western Harbour area so far and invite your feedback on our emerging ideas for the masterplan. As we conduct ongoing technical studies, we encourage you to consider a series of “What if?” questions designed to inspire discussion and bring you up to speed with our current thinking. Your insights are crucial in shaping the masterplan, scan the QR code below or go to the Harbour Hopes website to tell us what you think.

Aerial view showing the project boundary outlined in red

Click image to enlarge

The vision for Western Harbour

The vision for Western Harbour was created in 2022 from an extensive programme of public engagement held during 2021 and 2022. It will inspire and guide changes to the area in the future, including being a key influence on the masterplanning process. We show on boards 4 to 9 how each of our emerging ideas for the masterplan links back to these aims in the vision.

The key aims of the vision are to:

The key aims of the vision are to: Build on its tradition of innovation; Embrace freedom and nature; Be a distinctive gateway to Bristol; Support a thriving community.

What is a masterplan?

A masterplan is a recipe for how you bring together everything you know about a place with anything new that needs to be included, so that it all works together. For Western Harbour, it will set out where the new homes, community spaces, businesses and green spaces that Bristol needs could go, while also planning for modern transport and flooding infrastructure.

This project is an opportunity to rejuvenate the western gateway to Bristol. This involves making sure the infrastructure and Bristol’s flood defences are fit for the 21st Century, addressing the urgent ecological and climate emergencies and also providing new homes that the city needs to address the housing crisis.

Image: Bristol Design, BCC

Click image to enlarge

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