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The following dates are intended as a guide only and may be subject to change.

Harbour Hopes engagement

September 2021 to December 2021

Bristolians were asked what their hopes were for the future of Western Harbour.

Read the Engagement Report here.

Draft vision for Western Harbour consultation

March 2022 to April 2022

People were asked for their feedback on the draft vision for Western Harbour.

Read the consultation report here.

Vision approved by Bristol City Council Cabinet

12 July 2022

Read the vision for Western Harbour.

Grant offer approved by Bristol City Council’s Cabinet

4th July 2023

New members of Western Harbour Advisory Group selected

March 2024

Select Masterplanning team

March 2024

Start Western Harbour masterplan work

April 2024

Engagement & consultation on the draft masterplan

Autumn 2024 – Spring 2025

Complete Western Harbour masterplan

Summer 2025

Bristol City Council seeks further funding for key infrastructure projects

Autumn 2025

Planning applications and approvals


Planning applications for individual phases of the masterplan are developed with ongoing consultation throughout.

Work commences on the ground with a 6 year delivery timeframe