Read the vision for Western Harbour
Our hope is that this vision reflects the hopes and aspirations of people from across Bristol. Inspired by community feedback, the vision is a result of an extensive programme of public engagement carried out in the second half of 2021 and a six-week consultation that was open to the public in March 2022. It was endorsed by Bristol City Cabinet on 12 July 2022. It sets out key commitments that will guide the transformation of Western Harbour as it changes in the future.
Click on the image below to open the vision in your browser.
On 16th June 2023, the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) Committee confirmed its support for Bristol City Council’s funding application for Western Harbour. Following this, on 4th July 2023 it was agreed that Bristol Council would enter into the grant agreement and would spend the funding on masterplanning. You can read the report that was considered at Bristol City Council’s Cabinet here:
West of England Combined Authority (WECA) Committee Report
You can read the feedback on the vision that inspired some final changes to the document here.
2022 Draft vision Consultation Report
You can read the engagement report that informed this vision here.
2021 Western Harbour Engagement Report
The full timeline of the project, including future engagement and consultation, can be found here:
Reflections on Western Harbour
Local filmmaker Christy Nunns spoke to attendees at some of the workshops and guided walks that opened the engagement exhibition in the Create Centre in November 2021. These are their reflections on what the area is to them, and what it could be.