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About the project

Why, where, and what’s happening

Why are we regenerating Western Harbour?

Western Harbour is an area loved by many – the regeneration looks to balance local and city aspirations with the need to address some of the biggest challenges facing Bristol. This needs to be done while celebrating Western Harbour’s heritage and existing communities, making sure the infrastructure and Bristol’s flood defences are fit for the 21st Century, and addressing the urgent ecological and climate emergencies.

  • There is a need to renew and/or replace the Cumberland Basin road system. As the infrastructure of this road has become older, maintenance has become increasingly costly and the replacement of large parts of the system will be necessary in the near future. The Western Harbour project is an opportunity to make wider changes to improve the area at the same time. 
  • There is a need to provide new homes for Bristol. There are over 20,000 people on the Bristol City Council housing waiting list and demand for housing in the city is steadily rising.
  • Western Harbour is a way of meeting this need in a sustainable location. It is within easy reach of both the centre of Bristol and the green of Ashton Court by foot or by bike. By building in central locations like this, we can support more sustainable travel options, as well as building homes close to jobs, public spaces and leisure activities. 
  • Much of Western Harbour is brownfield, previously developed land. At the moment, 49% of the land is currently taken up by roads, parking and other hard surfaces – by building the new homes we need here, we can protect greenspaces around the city, helping us to respond to the climate and ecological emergencies while still providing the homes the city desperately needs.

Where is Western Harbour project area?

The Western Harbour regeneration project area sits at the western-most end of Bristol’s Floating Harbour, as a gateway between city and countryside. Click on the map below to see the project area in more detail.

The vision for Western Harbour

The Western Harbour vision was approved by Bristol City Council’s Cabinet on 12 July 2022.

This vision for Western Harbour is a thread that will inspire and guide changes to the area in the future, including being a key influence on the masterplanning process in which more detailed aspects will be considered.

The vision was created from an extensive programme of public engagement held across 2021 and 2022.

Further details can be found in the Western Harbour Engagement Report and the Western Harbour Consultation Report.

What’s happening at the moment?

We have an expert team of masterplanners who are working with us to turn the vision for Western Harbour from broad principles into a tangible long-term plan, setting out a big-picture guide to future development. We have appointed Architects, Design consultants and Urban planners, Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands, to lead development of a masterplan for Western Harbour. Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands has drawn together an innovative, technically excellent, multi-disciplinary team who will work across the whole city, including with the refreshed WHAG, to deliver the Western Harbour vision. 

The vision will help guide development of the long-term masterplan. The masterplan will set out in detail where the new homes, community spaces, businesses and greenspaces that Bristol needs could go, while also planning for modern transport and flooding infrastructure. Following engagement with the city, we anticipate the masterplan will be completed in Spring 25

As part of the masterplanning works, the team are undertaking a number of surveys in the Western Harbour area to develop a detailed understanding of the site including ecology, structural and topographical surveys. 


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